Job Postings
All Positions are Open Until Filled!!!
2025-26 School Year
MS/HS Special Education Teacher (2 Positions Open)
2024-25 School Year
Part-Time Paraprofessional
Substitute Custodians
Substitute Teachers
Substitute Paraprofessionals
Substitute Cooks
Applications can be found at www.bonhomme.k12.sd.us under Employment or the PDF's under this listing.
Please submit Application, Cover Letter, Resume, 3 Letters of Reference, Teaching Certificate, Transcripts to:
Bon Homme School District #04-2
1404 Fir Street, PO Box 28
Tyndall SD 57066
or Email:
Bon Homme School District is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer
MISSION STATEMENT: To ensure that our students have the resources to succeed in a changing world
We provide a 4-Day Alternate School Week
AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: Bon Homme School District is an equal opportunity employer providing opportunities for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, age, gender, disability, national origin or ancestry