Tyndall Elementary School
8th: Flu Shots
Hearing Screenings
10th: Parent Teacher Conferences with a 12:30 dismissal
Schoolwide Cleanup day
17th: Tyndall Elementary will go to Mazing Acres Pumpkin Patch near Yankton in the afternoon
28th: STEM Night in Tyndall (6:30-7:30 Tyndall Elementary)
31st: Breakfast with Buddies at 7:30
Elementary will go to the Good Sam and Hospital, morning PK at 10:30, and everyone else starting at 2:00.
11th: Veterans Day Program
27th: 12:30 early dismissal for Thanksgiving break
28th: No school
11th: Snack with your Pack at 3:00 (reading Books)
20th: School Day with a 12:30 early dismissal
December 21st-January 6th: No school
7th: Return to school
20th: Muffins in the Morning
23rd: Gather with Generations at 3:00 (playing games)